One friend asked re: my pull up regimen...why not post it?
Goal: 3 times per week
Set=20 reps
1. pull ups with wrists facing each other (inner bar)
2. pull ups with wrists facing away from my body
3. pull ups with wrists facing each other (outer bar)
4. pull ups with wrists facing each other (inner bar)
5. pull ups with wrists facing away from my body
6. pull ups with wrists facing each other (outer bar)
7. pull ups with wrists facing each other (inner bar)
8. chin ups (wrists facing me)
9. pull ups with wrists facing away from my body
10. chin ups (wrists facing me)
11. pull ups with wrists facing each other (outer bar)
12. chin ups (wrists facing me)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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