This was one thick, dense book. It wasn't dull. In fact, it stretched my mind more than any book I've read in a long time. It deal with concepts like Superposition, quantum physics, Schrodinger's Cat, black holes, and the theory of relativity.
I probably only got about 30% of the book's concepts, though I did get the last point...we're all doomed since eventually the universe will implode (but don't worry, it's not for a while.)
One particularly interesting stretch of imagination is Superposition, which says "that an object or event can be spanned across multiple realities or universes." In other words, it can be in two places at once. What's more, if you take a measurement of the object in one universe and it's pointing left, at that moment, the object in the other universe will be pointing right (for example).
The question then is...how does information travel faster than the speed of light to communicate that object 1 is left and as such object 2 should be right? I'm probably not doing the concept justice (since I don't fully get it anyway), but the other night, Tamar walked in and without my saying a word, did a full blown analysis of what I was thinking at that moment.
It was pretty impressive (not just because Tamar is not wont to often pontificate in this manner) because she was right.
It made me realize that the knowledge in my head and her head was exactly the same, despite the fact that no information (the heart of the book deals with information theory) had been exchanged between us.
In other words, it was in Superposition, but I am way off on a tangent.
Bottom line, if you're looking for a mind-expansion, this is one way to get it.