Take a field trip to a hospital.
It's a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to knock some perspective into yourself.
To keep in touch, generate conversation (and a hint of controversy), and opine.
Take a field trip to a hospital.
It's a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to knock some perspective into yourself.
I went to the site, searched for my bill and it said "not found" ;-(
When Government Experience and Political Promises Don't Line Up · 5 years ago
Good to know. But URL should be on the page and the whole process should be digital.
Jeremy Epstein
Founder, Never Stop Marketing
When Government Experience and Political Promises Don't Line Up · 5 years ago
We'll talk at Thanksgiving 😊
Jeremy Epstein
Founder, Never Stop Marketing
You can pay online -
When Government Experience and Political Promises Don't Line Up · 5 years ago