Once upon a time, I was on the board of a synagogue of which I was a member.
Being the Type A, profit-driven person that I am, I vowed that I would never do it again. The non-profit world wasn’t for me. I am motivated by efficiency and optimization. Actually, I should say that is built into my DNA.
Well, the other night, I was approached by my current synagogue to join the board. Initially, I was honored. Then, I realized I was probably the last person on the list and the only one who hadn’t said no yet! ?
The caller persisted and assured me that the time commitment would be small. He praised me as a “clear thinker.” [no better sales tactic than to flatter the customer.]
So, I relented and now am being put forth as part of the nominating committee process…or something like that.
Tamar asked me, “is this a sure thing?”
“Well, I think there is a formal nomination committee and then a vote,” I responded, “but as far as I know it’s pretty rubber-stamp…that is, unless I can rapidly mobilize and organize a groundswell of dissent to create a critical mass of activists fiercely opposed to my presence on the Board because of my controversial stand on…uh, something.”
Better get started…