Thursday, March 16, 2006

Home alone...with 2 kids

So it's payback time from Tamar.

She left today for a 2.5 day Israeli folk dance camp in the Catskills and I am on my own with the 2 kids. I figure that when she gets back, I have more than repaid my debt for the solo trip to Israel.

How does 1 week of my vacation equal 2.5 days for her? That's easy.

As a friend of mine said, "2.5 days for you does not equal a week for her. It equals 2 weeks for her."

It's the old "Incompetent Father" card that I like to play.

Tamar and I also have different philosophies. She plays superhero. I play victim. Tamar figures she can do it by herself. I make no pretensions whatsoever and unashamedly call in whatever reinforcements I can muster. My sister and parents are the obvious choices, but I also called my sister-in-law with a business proposition that involved high compensation. I called Calanit's pre-school and asked if, only tomorrow, I could drop her off early since "without that I'm finished."

I'll be begging friends and neighbors for assistance. No pride on this one.

Furthermore, it's obvious to anyone who knows that Tamar is far more talented at managing the 2 of them than I. I have a ton of fun with them and they enjoy it, but let's be honest here. If I asked Tamar to install software, it would be significantly more complicated for her. It's like the "degree of difficulty" scale they have in the Olympics.

If Tamar is the benchmark with a degree of difficulty of 1, then 7 days times 1 degree of difficulty equals a score of 7.

For me, the degree of difficulty, by contrast, is probably a 5.6.

Thus, 2.5 days at my level of difficulty is equal to a 14, hence the realization that when Tamar gets back, she'll owe me a week.

I'm sure she'll be thrilled.
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