Friday, March 10, 2006

Daily dictations...

One of my best tech purchases ever was a handheld, digital dictating machine. I bought it in 1998 for $230. Now, you can get one for $50 or so.

I wear it on my belt six days a week. It has come in handy in many ways. When I'm driving, on a subway, in a situation with no pen or paper, I can capture the information I need. Usually it's a to-do of some sort, but occasionally it's someone giving me information or making a request. The beauty of having it is that I rarely forget to follow up on something.

So, yes, sometimes it irritates Tamar when she's speaking with me in bed and I'll say "hang on" and turn to the bedstand, grab the dictating machine, and make a note, but mind is a racing machine :-)

Over the past month, I've been sick for most of it, and my head hasn't been "fully in the game."

The last few days I've finally felt better. This morning, by 11am, I had 19 notes on my machine. A good day is 8 or 9.

I think the number of dictations on my machine is an indicator of my mental acuity for the day.
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