Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Dad Delivered A "Major Kick Ass"...62 years ago

I'm on a con call right now with all of my siblings, my dad, and my mom celebrating his 73rd birthday.

Joining us are Tommy Bailey and Jerry Cline, both of whom went to elementary school and High School with my dad in San Antonio, TX in the 40s/50s.

My dad isn't known as a man who uses physical force, but growing up, we heard a story that has become family legend.

In 5th or 6th grade, a Jewish kid had moved down to Texas from New York and was getting picked on by the schoolyard bully.

Apparently, the kid was the perfect target because he came to school (in Texas) wearing a tie and glasses.

And, the story went that my dad felt pity for the wimpy, nerdy New York kid, confronted the bully, and put a stop to his harassment of the new kid.

As kids, we were thrilled and excited by the idea of our dad as a "tough guy" and executor of some Wild West vigilante justice.

Tommy and Jerry are, to his knowledge, the only witnesses my dad knows of who remember the event.

So, tonight, my Dad asked  Tommy and Jerry to join us on a con call (using to describe  the "altercation" as they are calling it.

Tommy, a retired Fire Chief, from San Antonio, joined us from the beach at Port Aransas, TX and summed it up:

"Kids, I want you to know that everybody liked your father, Dave.

And, there was no doubt about who won the "altercation.”

Your dad delivered a major kick ass!"

Jerry added some color commentary on the call, describing the bully as "very big" and "very mean."

We don't know how the bully’s life turned out as a result of his humiliating defeat at the hands of my dad, but we do know that, as Tommy said, "He ran away from the 'altercation' as quickly as he could and your dad never had to deal with him again."

Old school smackdown! Good  job and Happy Birthday, Dad!

We would love you even if you didn't dispense some julstice 'Texas style, but it's pretty cool that you did.

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