Thursday, April 27, 2006

Home erosion...

I spend a fair amount of time trying to keep the house in top operational efficiency shape.

It's kind of like keeping a ship seaworthy so that you can complete the voyage around Cape of Good Hope.

Running up and down the stairs this morning, chasing Calanit, and holding Erez in one hand, I opened one door which bumped, ever so slightly into the open closet door behind it. Normally, nothing to think about, but for some reason, I thought about that same bump 100 or 1000 times down the road. It's one of those battles, like erosion, that is hard to win.

There's a Chinese proverb: It isn't the mountains ahead that wear you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe.

Each of those bumps is kind of like a grain of sand. Ok, maybe not, but I heard that proverb on the radio the other day and really liked it and now am jamming it into the blog post for today :-)

Hey, I've been up since 2.45am, completely wired, for reasons that I don't understand and it's now 8.36am. I was supposed to go to the dentist at 7.10am, but I gave that slot up to Tamar so she could have it and now I am on double child care duty.

Maybe the fatigue is the sand in my shoe and the bumping of one door against another is the erosion that wears down parts of the house.

My basic point matter how much effort I put into upkeep, I will NEVER be on top of it all.
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