You will recall my frustration with Panasonic over my non-functional TV
While waiting for prices to drop and my personal assessment of the economy to get completed, I borrowed an old TV from my brother.
Instead of throwing my TV away (the original plan), I figured I had nothing to lose by putting it up on eBay.
“Maybe,” I thought, “there is some tinkerer who will give me $20 bucks for it?”
If it doesn’t sell, I’m no worse off.
The auction was up for a day, when a message came in from a member known only as PRSCSY, who wrote:
I have the same exact TV and it did the same exact thing.I took the back off and where plug cord plugs into the board there is a 6.3amp slow burn 125/250volt fuse, $1.00 part from radio shack, it DID NOT look burnt out but I changed it just to be in the safe side and the TV till now is serving me well. Let me know if you changed the fuse?
Refusing to believe it was this simple, but hoping it would work, I went to Radio Shack. It was actually $3 (for 4 fuses though), but bottom line,
TV is up and running.
I was flabbergasted. I offered to buy the guy a beer or dinner, whatever.
What motivated him? How did he find it?
Why would he be looking for a TV he already owned?
He simply responded:
I keep track of many different listings on ebay just for fun one of those being mt model of TV and when I read your listing I totally felt your pain.
Told my girl friend about it and she had a good laugh.
Now you'll have to pass on a good deed, LOL
And I will…