Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The call of the Muezzin...

One of the unique elements of Israel is the mix of cultures and peoples here and how they do (or do not) get along.

There is the longstanding division between Ashkenazic (Jews of Eastern Europe descent) and Sephardic (North Africa and Middle East descent).

I've also noticed a much stronger integration of the Ethiopian Jews into day to day activities. When I was here in 1991, it was the time of the Operation Solomon airlift to Israel .  When they came, they were (mass generalization here) mostly illiterate and completely unfamiliar with modern amenities (electricity, running water, etc.). No longer the case.(see Live and Become movie for more on this)

But, one aspect of Israel that many first-time visitors probably find surprising is the day-to-day presence of Arabs and Muslims among the larger Israeli/Jewish population.

You see them in the mall, grocery stores, airport, trains, etc.

And, at 4am, suffering from jet lag, in the next town over from where I was staying, I heard the muezzin perform the morning call to prayer for the Muslim faithful.
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