Sunday, May 04, 2008

Kind of like skydiving...

A lot of well wishers for the post-MS era and really appreciate the outpouring of support. A common question: "How do you feel?"

My answer: "either like the smartest guy in the world...or the dumbest. There's no middle ground."

This morning, however, as the first post-MS weekend starts to come to a close, I had a different feeling.

About 8 years ago, when I was single and living in NYC, I went skydiving (tandem, in case you were wondering.)

That first moment is just a blur, then scared out of your mind, then you appreciate the intensity of the 1 minute free fall, a jolt when the chute deploys, and the beauty of the descent.

Not sure where I am in the parallel ride now (probably blur or scared!). Here's to hoping that I (now we!) 'make it,' like I did before.
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