Friday, May 30, 2008

Book: Sandbox Wisdom

It's easy to discount Sandbox Wisdom as "cheesy" or "juvenile."

Well, Tom Hopkins taught me to look for the value in everything and so I did my best to approach this book with an open-mind.

As I read, I was reminded of an experience a few weeks ago playing with Tonka (my daughter) that gave me some additional perspective on how children not only keep us young, but can also be a competitive advantage in business.

It's not a "serious" or "complex" business/leadership/guru-esque, but it's not meant to be...deliberately.

Is it the greatest book I've ever read?


Does it give you a breath of fresh air and a chance to take yourself out of the daily grind and perhaps alter the way that you look at things?


3 out of 4 stars.

And a hat tip to my great financial advisor, Josh, for getting me a signed copy.

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