Thursday, December 14, 2017

Gratitude Journal- Day 25: Ginger Pinchot and Friends

The amount of support I have received from friends for this gratitude journal has been really inspiring. One of the most vocal and sincere advocates has been Ginger Pinchot.

First off, how can you not love someone named Ginger, right? ;-)

But more than that, this is a woman who oozes gratitude and authenticity.

Yesterday, I saw her at the middle school basketball game and she told me how much she enjoyed my journal. It led to a great conversation and she shared some advice about how to cultivate it more.

"Focus on the smallest things."

If you look at the really, really small things, you can't help but feel wonder at the fact that they are there and they enrich your life.  So, it could be the stool that my legs are resting on now or the keyboard I am using to type or the fact that I just pushed a button and the screen became brighter.

So, today, I am grateful for all of the friends who are supporting me in this effort to cultivate gratitude and a special shout out to loyal blog reader, Ginger Pinchot!

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