Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting me good...

Impressive how quickly the kids learn and integrate behaviors.

Somehow (and I have NO idea from where ;-) ), the kids have figured out that I appreciate startling them (and can appreciate a good startle).

So, now, at some point when they come home from school, they come downstairs and crawl on their hands and knees down the path that leads to my "man cave."

The reason they have to do this that I have a window (yes, a window) that looks into the hallway (not outside) and were they to walk, they would be seen.

Instead, like reconnaisance soldiers, they slither their way and get to my door (my back faces it, (yes I know, bad Feng Shui) and yell "BOO!"

More times than not, they get me...and intensely at that.  Sometimes I am ready for them, but we all have a good laugh at the startle.

Of course, as I age and my heart isn't as strong, this could have adverse effects, but for now we get a laugh at it.

I'm raising some pranksters....I can smell detention. (Just kidding, admissions officers.) At least they are creative....
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