At first, I was skeptical and worried that it would compromise the integrity of my blog. I could see how it goes that way, however, now I've come around (and yes, I've made some money). Here's why... When I visit the site, I scroll through the list of opportunities that people have offered to pay to me blog on. My goal is to get paid to write about something I would normally write about anyway, so I look for things that are technology or financial related. It's also kind of neat because this way I get to stay out in front of the trends, find out about things that normally might take longer, and provide the value in the blog that I am looking to offer (as someone out on the front end) I've actually looked at the clicks on these links after the fact and people do read them.
What's more, people offline have told me that they found value in some of the links, so it seems to be a win-win for everybody. Not too shabby. Now, they have taken it to the next level and set up an affiliate program so that, if I recruit other bloggers, we both get paid.
Bottom line: i've made almost $200 from this service in 4 months...getting paid to do what I'm doing anyway...