Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ayn Rand, Healthcare, and some thoughts on Entrepreneurship

Ayn RandImage via WikipediaWhat is the driver of wealth creation within the American economy?

If you think it is the entrepreneur and private industry, read on. If not, this post may not be for you.

I may be too Ayn Rand in my outlook, but I've got to say, I'm pretty frustrated with the way that our system seems to be set up to make it difficult for the entrepreneur and small business owner.

I knew it was tough, but I didn't realize how (not sure if unfair is the right word) many barriers there are.

First, I blogged about Obama and his proposed self-employment tax. Frankly, there shouldn't even be a tax on self-employment. There should be a tax credit for it. How else do you stimulate it?

Now, I'm trying to get us off the ridiculously expensive COBRA family healthcare option and figure out a cost-effective way to get health insurance for the family.

Easy? Far from it.

Yes, it's easier than it was (I haven't purchased, but have worked through ehealthinsurance.com), but it seems like entrepreneurs are a group of people we want to keep healthy and, more importantly, make it as easy for them to go out and create wealth for others and for the country.

Anyway, just a bit demoralized at seeing, now that I am in the weeds, that the government doesn't seem to make it as easy as I would like for people to get their business off the ground.

Zemanta Pixie
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