When you have a worldview, any data that supports it, you immediately latch on to as valuable. (And, you ignore any data as "irrelevant" that refutes it.)
Had a nice visit with (blog reader) Aliza Cooperman and her family, Mike, Shira, and Sam, visiting from Boston.
She acknowledged that reading that this blog (in addition to providing morning coffee break reading material) enabled her to feel "more connected" over time and distance and to make it easier to pick up the in-person conversation after 4-5 years between visits.
There you go. All I need to keep on trucking!
Had a nice visit with (blog reader) Aliza Cooperman and her family, Mike, Shira, and Sam, visiting from Boston.
She acknowledged that reading that this blog (in addition to providing morning coffee break reading material) enabled her to feel "more connected" over time and distance and to make it easier to pick up the in-person conversation after 4-5 years between visits.