Tamar's brother and his family are moving to Israel in December. They spent the weekend with us.
In between the hours of childcare, synagogue attendance, and normal requirements of life, we did have the opportunity to talk about what this weekend meant in the context of our lives.
We discussed how, one day, in the future, we would re-unite, and talk about this weekend. We'd remember the big ideas, the unique moments, and we'd forget the fatigue of childcare. We also felt the emotional power of the day, knowing that a weekend like this, where our entire families would spend serious quality time together, was something we could not predict again as to when it would happen.
In doing so, we seized the opportunity to create a memory by raising our level of self-awareness. We obviously knew that this would be the last weekend we'd spend together for a long time, but by talking about it directly, we expanded our scope and appreciation for what was happening.
I believe this enriched the time for all of us.