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Actually, that’s not so fair, because I could certainly venture a guess.
Maybe he thinks that life isn’t fair for the fact that his brother is “mentally retarded”?
Or that his mother is severely overweight?
Or he is stuck in a dead-end job?
Either way, he certainly has enough to keep his mind occupied.
What's Eating Gilbert Grape is really a solid movie with an all-star cast.
You know, it’s funny.
I finished watching this movie on the day after my TV broke (have another, older one) and perhaps because I (you/we) are predictably irrational, I was looking for reasons to justify the purchase of a new one. So, when I saw this movie, I said, “wow, this is really a bad situation and he’s making the most of life. It’s important to ‘stop and smell the roses,’”…which is of course why we need a new TV :-)
Ah, the human brain is a wonderful thing.
So, is this movie, which is about the brain (in a way).
P.S. When I see Johnny Depp, no matter what, I think 21 Jumpstreet. Is that bad?