Thursday, September 25, 2008

The end of political discourse?

The most commented on post in Jer979 blog history (2466 posts) has created some casualties.
And I am concerned that it is symbolic of a larger issue going on.
Star commenter Tjada says she is on a “blog hiatus” until after the election.
Jdub says he won’t comment on political related posts anymore b/c it gets him too worked up.
Others have sent me notes about their reactions.
I’ve got two thoughts on this.
On a macro scale,  I wonder  if blogs are just not good for political discourse. Are we really conversing the way a blog is supposed to?
Or are we shouting at  each other? Just getting angrier and angrier.
And as a blogger/marketer, I hate to lose readers (or get them to the point where they don’t want to add their $.02, which you know I love.)
On the other hand, the blog is about what I am thinking about, so in theory, even if no one reads it still has value, right?
When I first started, it was way for me to “vent.”
Now, though, I love using it to communicate. To get conversations started. To give folks a frame of reference. To build bonds and bridges.
So, I am not sure what to do?
Create controversy is part of my mantra, yes. But, I want conversation more than anything else.
Maybe it’s time to change the tagline? (aka the mission).

  Image by vasta via Flickr
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