Monday, January 23, 2006

Late night blanket checks...

One of the things I enjoy about parenting are the "behind the scenes" things that only I know about.

One of those is the late night blanket check.

Erez wakes us up at some ungodly hour (which explains why I'm bloggins at 4.45am). After we feed/change him, I return him to his room (after 5 months, we moved him out).

Then, I check on Calanit.

She has a unique sleeping style and somehow she ends up on her hands and knees with her head in the corner of the bed and no blankets covering her at all. Without fail, this happens every night.

I gently pick her up, say a few words to her, align her head on the pillow and cover her with her Dora the Explorer blanker before leaving and (hopefully) returning to sleep myself.
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