Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The houseguest handywoman...

Growing up, my mother was the one who handled household repairs. She could fix a leaky toilet, paint, caulk, etc. I'm sure my dad can/could do it, but it was my mom who took it upon herself.

In our house, it's not quite that way. I learned from my mother and take pride in doing the household stuff.

On Saturday, we were faced with a unique challenge. Calanit likes to play with the door knobs and she managed to push in the button to lock the door, without our knowledge.

We had guests coming over with an infant whom we figured we would put upstairs to sleep when he took a nap. Being a bit on the messy side in our room (a 5 month old does that to you when he sleeps in your room), we were reluctant to have our lunchguests even inadvertently see the disorder, so we closed the door to our bedroom.

It was at that point that we discovered we were locked out. Valiantly, I tried all manner of ways to open the lock, but failed entirely.

Our houseguests showed up and the wife took it upon herself to solve this problem.

And she did. Sure my ego was bruised...a bit...but more importantly, our door was open and WE WERE IMPRESSED.

It was an epic display of household "Handypersonness" and it goes down in the annals of the Epstein home as one of the great 'gifts' of all time.

I'll have to clear the blog entry with her before I release her name (she may not want you calling her!)
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