Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Year of Touch Devices…

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

The other day I reached out toward the monitor of my PC and tried to touch the Windows Start button on it.


Then, it dawned on me.

My transition to “touch” devices as my primary way to interact with technology was complete.

A year ago, I had none.

In February, I received a “hand me-down” iPhone and, while I was late to the mobile game, I finally saw the revolution coming.

Then, in March, I received a Zune HD as a gift (don’t knock it, it’s a great device).

In April, I bought an iPad.

In June, I got a EVO 4G running Android.

Now, those devices (primarily the iPad and the EVO) are my primary and, often times, preferred methods for getting info, interacting, etc.

It’s definitely the case for my kids who are extremely adept at the iPhone and the iPad –here’s my 2 year old on it. (I won’t even talk about how they use Kinect).

I even jumped on the bandwagon with the Never Stop Marketing iPhone app.

As Eric Schmidt says, “Developers must think ‘mobile first’”. And I’ll add to that “think mobile TOUCH first.”

Steven Spielberg adds that it’s all about “making technology invisible.”  That’s what I think the power of touch represents.

As marketers, we need to continue to ask ourselves “what is the mobile experience?” “what is the ‘touch’ experience?” for our customers and community?

Breaking habits and paradigms is tough, but that underlies the never stop marketing mantra.

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