Just finished up the first meeting of the Never Stop Marketing Mentoring program.
Right now, there is 1 participant, though 2 others have indicated an interest.
This isn’t an internship and actually calling it a “program” is a stretch, since it is very much a perpetual beta, being built as we go.
What I think Jojoe recognizes is what Seth Godin advocated…there is value to Free Work.
The “final exam” will be a project that is of direct benefit to my company. I’m not apologetic about that.
When he passes it (and he will), then I can comfortably certify him to my network that this is a NSM-trained and trusted marketer.
It’s going to be a while before we get there. We have books to read (“The Cluetrain Manifesto”, “The Essential Drucker”, and more). He will be taking a StrengthsFinder profile exam (here’s mine).
He will be judged relentlessly on his execution and his efforts to be Remarkable.
It’s going to be tough, but when all is said and done, I am confident that it will be worth it for him.
Back when I was mentioned in the NY Times about helping folks looking for jobs, it never occurred to me that this was another angle where I might be able to be of assistance.
But it is.
For you, as well.
There are dedicated, savvy, smart people in your network. Heck, they may already be Raving Fans of yours.
By giving them a “stretch project,” (after you’ve invested the time to help prepare them for succeed, of course), you not only will benefit yourself, you will help them immeasurably and possibly create a Fan for life at the same time.