He will tell you about Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta waves and what each one does.
What’s more, he will tell you how each type of wave represents a different part of your consciousness and how, if they are in harmony with each other, you have many opportunities in front of you.
At first, you think, “this sounds a bit kooky,” but as he likens the delta and theta waves to the nutrients that sit below the soil and the need to till in order to fertilize the topsoil and allow growth to occur, you slowly become less skeptical.
Then, intrigued.
Then, you decide, “what the heck, I will give it a try.”
He hooks you up to a machine and leads you though a process which he calls “guided meditation.”
At first, your mind is racing and your inner dialogue is strong.
Then, suddenly, you don’t even realize when it happens, you are in a completely deep space
And he has the computer reading to prove it.
The combination of spirituality and technology is what got me.
George mapped the patterns of my brainwaves as he asked me different questions and asked me to visualize the answers. When the word
His process is about using the science of how your brain reacts to help identify areas which can be "tilled.”
Afterwards, I felt about 5 pounds lighter and definitely better off for it.