Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Home Maintenance and the Never-ending To-Do list

It may be true that the longer you own your home, the more likely you are to try and fix things yourself.

However, I realized today that there’s another variable. Obvious, but it dawned on me nonetheless. I’m slow, what can I say?

That’s the time vs. items list.

I’m now at the point where the amount of maintenance items (a slow drain that needs to be snaked, a light switch that  needs to be replaced, hedges that need to be trimmed) is slowly beginning to overwhelm me.

I can see why I should just call someone to fix it.

Of course, there’s the value equation. Yes, the drain is slow, but is it the end of the world to wait another week or two to fix it?

Not really.

Ah, the joys of home ownership.

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