Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Book: The Future of Men

In short guys, shape-up to what women want or you, too, could be outsourced.

It’s easy to say that the authors are wrong, but what if they are right?

The Future of Men: The Rise of the Ubersexual and What He Means for Marketing Today offers up the following analysis:

As the world moves to a more conceptual, information-intensive existence, man’s traditional ‘value-add’ and ‘competitive advantage’ was brute strength.

In an intelligence/cognitive society, that’s not necessarily so. What’s more, women’s natural strengths at consensus-building and empathy may be more suited to the modern workplace.

Add to that the fact that modern society enables women to live completely fulfilling lives without men (including reproduction) and it makes a husband/mate a “nice to have” accessory, not a must-have.

So, the modern man must adapt…or face extinction.

I was a bit skeptical when I picked up this book (which my wife got for me, but she claims she didn’t know the message and thought the subtitle of “what it means for the future of marketing” would be reason enough for me to read it), but I have been thinking about it non-stop, since I finished it.

And, I know to whom I sending it :-)

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