My parents took the kids to the Maryland State Fair today so I had ample time to do some yard work. And I went all out.
Well, at some point, I landed on my ankle in a weird way, but I just shook it off.
About 3 hours later, I was in a world of hurt and I couldn't even walk.
Huge call out to Dr. Ira Rabin who made a housecall and said, "go get x-rayed."
And I've go to hand it to the team at Holy Cross Hospital.
I limped into the ER (and some kind folks let me go in front of them). Within 8 minutes (I was prepared to be triaged for hours...having worked one graveyard shift at an ER before with my brother0n-law), I was in the "Express Care" room and about 20 minutes after that, on the X-ray table. The process, every part of it, was smooth and efficient.
It was actually remarkable. EVERYONE from registration to the woman who wheeled me up to the X-ray tech...just a first class job. You hear so much about healthcare problems (and there are many as I know from my thyroid cancer treatment), so it’s just great to see a team of people (on a holiday no-less) working together, getting the job done, and doing it quickly and cheerfully.
No break, fortunately, just a severe sprain...splint, crutches, and a TON of Advil (4 every 8 hours). Hopefully, it'll only be a few days, but I already have an apprecation for those who can't walk w/ease. It's not simple moving around a 3 story house or even around the kitchen.