Sunday, April 03, 2011

96 and Going Strong...

My grandmother (who died a few years ago) had a best friend named Ruth.

The other day, Ruth turned 96 years old.

My mom sent a note saying:

"Best times to call her (if you want) are between 11 p.m. and MIDNIGHT."

 I called her at 12.02, but she was still up. Gotta love the energy.

As we chatted, I did the quick math and confirmed.  She was born before the US entered WW1.

I asked her about her first memory at age 4 or so and then asked her to compare that world with this one…she had a good natured reaction, but basically said "unbelievable."

Then, I told her that Nadia (age 3) comes home from school asking for the iPad ;-)

 Such a blessing and a gift to have an eyewitness to so much history.
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