Thursday, July 08, 2010

You should never be bored…

Chris Anderson is the curator of the TED (Tech...

Image via Wikipedia

Growing up, my parents forbade us from saying that we were “bored.”

Their contention was that there was always something we could be doing.

These days, should you never be bored, but the reality is (when it comes to information consumption) that there’s no excuse for you to not be reading/watching/listening to EXACTLY what you want when you want.

The other day, I was at the dentist, and for whatever reason, the hygienist wasn’t so talkative (difficult for me to talk, right?).

So, instead of listening to the muzak mindlessly for 20 minutes, I pulled out my smartphone and watched a few YouTube videos I had queued up.

I have 80 of the excellent TED talks sitting on my Zune in my car and you’ve seen how the reading material is organized on my iPad.

Same goes for working out…thanks to the DVR and Netflix on Demand.

It’s a great world we live in, isn’t it?

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