Image by Getty Images via Daylife
You may have heard about the recent scandal in New Jersey where a number of Orthodox rabbis were arrested for a variety of things including money laundering.One of them, however, was involved (allegedly) in a kidney selling scheme where he would pay poor people $10k and then re-sell the organ for $160k to rich people in need of a transplant.
It seems, however, that on the issue of selling organs, we may have a point of agreement between free market libertarians and liberals.
The free marketers would, of course, say "hey, a kidney is an asset you your time, your skills, and your education. You should be able to sell that on the free market the same way you would any of those other assets."
And the liberals would say "just like in a case of abortion where it is 'my body, my choice,' a person who wants to sell his kidney can say 'hey, it's my body, my choice.'"
People take all kinds of risks every single day and they live with those decisions. If a poor person in need of cash in India or wherever can make $10k (or more) by selling a kidney to someone who has money and can afford it, isn't everyone better off?