Pre-order Gretchen Rubin’s book: The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
That’s not just because she’s a client (she is), but because I just got my hands on a copy the other day and, as I blogged before, it’s a privilege to work with someone who actually makes you a better person.
If you are still wavering, check out what Bob Sutton, author of “The No Asshole Rule” wrote on his blog: The Happiness Project: I Hate Self-Help Books But Love This One
Still not convinced? Check out this great video trailer.
If you can’t see it, click here:
Here’s the pre-order link.
Post was written while listening to...Elton John, Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word