Cover of Quantum of Solace [Blu-ray]
2nd disclosure: I really wanted to LOVE Quantum of Solace.
3rd disclosure: I didn't.
I was really very excited when it came via Netflix that I started watching it that night (a rarity).
It didn't feel Bond-like to me and somewhere along the lines, I realized that the movie picked up where Casino Royale had left off.
Thing is, I saw Casino Royale back in Sept. 2007 and since I've had another child, started a company, and seen an African-American elected President, let's just say that a lot of water has passed under the bridge.
I barely remember what I did on Sunday so stringing together the pieces from 2 years ago was a non-starter.
This affected, seriously, my enjoyment of the movie since I kept trying to remember what it was I was supposed to remember in order to understand one of the key plots of the movie.
Now, I know there have been sequels forever, but many of them that continued (and were successful at it), were designed to do so...from the beginning. Star Wars, Godfather, etc.
Bond has never been like that (unless I am forgetting something) and could be watched as independent entities.
Maybe I'm being harsh here, but I felt let down.