(though it was interesting to me that I only went to a traditional major news source...MSNBC.com AFTER I had seen 8 or 9 status updates on Facebook/Twitter about it. More evidence that the person [or at least the group of friends] is the channel).
Talking about sushi, my love of which has been well documented.
Today, was reading Scientific American's article entitled Bluefin in Peril.
The surging popularity of sushi and sashimi has devastated the bluefin
Made me realize how I am contributing to this and felt more than a bit guilty about it. But, even though we live in a globally connected/integrated world, I wondered...."what will my reaction be over the long-term?"
Similar (ok, granted a different scale), but how one might react after hearing about Darfur...
It's a tough question: not how do you get people to care? But, how do you get people to ACT?