Saturday, December 24, 2005

A 3 nap Sabbath...

The Jewish sabbath extends for 25 hours, from sundown on Friday night to sundown on Saturday night. It is a time for family and resting. Usually, people try to get in a "shabbat nap" in the afternoon of the Saturday as a way of really resting and catching up on sleep. Generally, one nap is considered a successful day. There are challenges, of course, when you have children and your sleep schedule is not entirely under your control.

This past week, I had a career day. The Sabbath began at 4.30pm on Friday. I was beat and took a nap from then until 6pm (my kids were napping as well). We all got up and had dinner around 6. Went to bed around 11.

On Saturday morning, I have a choice of synagogue services to attend and since Erez did a great job of waking me up at 5.30am, I was able to attend the earliest, but also most time-efficient service which begins at 7am and ends at 8.45am. By contrast, the main service starts at 8.45am and ends around 11.15.

So, I was home from services by 9.20am (had a bit of food and some conversation after services). Erez wasn't feeling so well, so Tamar took Calanit to the main services and Erez and I took a nap from 9.45am to 11.45am. Nap #2. I was feeling greatness at this point and saw potential for a new Olympic record for sabbath naps, as the sabbath didn't end until 5.30pm.

We then went to lunch at some friends of ours, where I told them of my pending record. By 3.40pm, lunch was coming to a close and I knew we had to move. Fortunately, we live around the corner and by 4.4opm, Erez and I were once again in bed, napping, for a record setting performance!!!

It's going to be near impossible to beat this one....
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