Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jamestown Settlement…

Of the 3 days on our winter vacation and the numerous places we visited, the NFO and I thoughtIMAG0286 that the one which gave our kids the best sense of history and stimulated their curiosity the most was the Jamestown Settlement museum.

While the 26 minute introductory movie was a bit over their heads, the outdoor portion (a Native American village, the Jamestown colony fort, and replicas of the ships) was a home run.

The kids LOVED playing on the ship, grinding the corn, removing the fur from the animals and all of the demonstrations.

Thanks to Uncle Walt (Disney, that is), they knew about Pocahontas, of course,Jamestown Settlement, Virginia, Winter 2011 (6) so they were primed, but this one was well worth the money and the time.

Definitely recommend it.

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