Friday, November 25, 2005

Giving Blood...

One of the easiest ways for an individual to help another is through donating blood. 14 years ago today, I received my first blood donor card while a student in college.

On the back of the card is a slot to enter the date of each subsequent donation, up to 28. Each donation is 1 pint (8 pints to the gallon), so 3.5 gallons of blood.

I've kept that card and it's gone with me to blood donations ever since. There were even 2 different 3 year spells in which I was prohibited from donating due to travel experiences.

It's not always easy to give blood every 8-12 weeks, but I make it a priority and it was further reinforced this year when our friend, who died of lymphoma, asked that people commit to 1 blood donation per year in his memory.

So, today, in memory of our friend, Ned, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am proud to report that all 28 slots on the back of the card I obtained exactly 14 years ago are now full.

Time to start a new card....
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