I was talking on my cell while driving when I noticed the flashing lights behind me. I stopped.
The cop comes up and asks me through the window, "do you know why I stopped you?"
"If I give you the right answer, will you let me off with a warning?"
"Well, what do you think?"
"I'd have to say that I didn't come to a complete stop at the sign back there."
"Actually, you kind of went right through it."
"Well, a warning would be a very effective deterrent to prevent that from happening next time." "There isn't supposed to be a next time..."
"...which is why a warning would be a great deterrent."
I gave him my license and registration, knowing I was caught red handed and totally resigned myself to the ticket. Completely composed, I awaited my fate.
He returned.
"Everything checked out," (I guess I wasn't the mass murderer driving the stolen car for whom he was looking) "and you've been totally honest with me, so I'm going to let you off with a warning."
"Considering I'm 100% guilty, I do appreciate that. Thank you."