Monday, October 31, 2005

Blogging on the Blog...

People sometimes ask why I feel the need to blog, publish my thoughts out where everyone can see.

There are a few reasons. One, I kind of think that many people have the same thoughts and it's comforting to know that others think about similar topics--it can spur conversation and intellectual improvement.

A second is, it's somewhat therapeutic for me. I've long enjoyed writing (since I first began my travels) and it's a quick, easy way to capture the events (both mundane and ordinary of my life).

And it's also a great way to keep friends appraised of what's going on. I can invite them to read the Blog and find out what's going on -at their leisure.

Within the past 2 weeks, however, I've discovered a 4th.

Two friends of ours (one for Tamar and one for me) have "Googled" us in an effort to reconnect and as a result, stumbled across the Blog, where they both claim to have enjoyed reading over the events of our family and which then served to fuel the desire to renew our friendship.

That alone makes the Blogging experience worth it.
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