I saw one tweet during the debate tonight (I didn't watch it) that said,
"Four corners of the earth? Doesn't McCain know the earth is round?"Tell me, does that really add to the debate?
Do you think that by highlighting for your network, that McCain uses a common phrase that we all use that he is somehow unworthy of office? Or stupid? Come on.
I've long preached that it's ok for people to share their opinions about politics on the 'social web' because I didn't think one would 'get punished' for their political views.
And that is still true...I think it is a sad day when someone says, "oh, you're a Republican, so I won't buy from you."
But, HOW you choose to present your and your opinions DOES make a difference.
If you keep putting out updates/posts/tweets telling me "how stupid Sarah Palin is," I am going to start thinking that you are small-minded.
There are smart marketing minds out there for whom I've lost a lot of personal (even though I don't know them personally, of course) respect by the way they've presented their cases for their candidates (on both sides).
Seriously, I don't care that you want to vote for Obama. Great. You should. You should argue your case. But, do it on the merits. Don't make your point with little comments that are the hallmarks of 4th graders.
Leave that to the campaign manager and their "I approve this message" ads.
Their brands will be gone in 4 weeks. Yours will last forever.
As for me, I'm done for now. People get too emotional and the rational discussion is gone.
One day, we'll figure out how to have good political discussion online/virtually and I'll keep looking for the right tools to do it.