Thursday, December 13, 2018

What kind of person do you want to be?

I'm listening to a really interesting book on Audible now called  Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results.

My friend, Derek Coburn, founder of CADRE brought it to my attention.

It's a really practical guide for how to identify the bad habits in your life and change them and implement good ones.

The idea is that the more you "automate" your choices, the more likely you are to achieve your desired outcome in whatever categories you want. Health, relationships, career, tc.

The first step is to identify the habits you already have, many of which are unconscious.

Then, you need to ask yourself, "what kind of person do I want to be?"

Then, ask yourself, "what kind of habits would that person have?"

Go from there.

It's a tough question though, "what kind of person do I REALLY want to be?"

Would love thoughts on how to figure that one out.

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