On Sunday morning, Tikkanen and Jokkanen got up at 7.45am and went downstairs.
Next thing I know, I hear T say to J, "bring the eggs over here!"
Now, I know they love cooking...they use a Sesame Street children's cookbook...and have become quite adept at it, but crackings eggs?
Sure enough, after Lakkanen starts stirring and I change her diaper, I go downstairs to find that cookies and cupcakes are all prepared...on a baking sheet (which has been sprayed with PAM) and they just need me to put things in the oven.
So, ok, the cookies were way too salty, but who cares?
The thought and then the action....that's what impresses me.
If my kids learn to take initiative like this, they'll be fine. So proud of them.
Sesame Street "C" is for Cooking, 40th Anniversary Edition