Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Powerful Than Microsoft...

So, I was on the subway the other day with my dad, who accompanied me on my Spy Museum Field Trip, and our conversation turned to Prosper, which I touted as the democratization of lending and the disintermediation of the banks and credit cards.

I used that as an opportunity to begin a mild sermon on the "democratization of everything" and I pulled out the book Citizen Marketers, which I received after winning a contest on one of my favorite blogs. (You may remember this blog from the Metamucil episode).

What Jackie and Ben (hey, I can be on first name basis w/them after talking Metamucil, right?) do better than anyone is help you understand how the field has truly changed.

At some point, my dad said to me, "but Microsoft can buy ads in newspapers and on TV, they can outspend you."

My answer, "cash doesn't matter. The authentic story does."

Ben and Jackie elp you understand the seismic shift that is occurring in how how companies market and the power of the individual. The major point, "People are the message" and the "1 percenters," those who take the time to create content online and express themselves can write a blog post or upload a video for free and then, through word-of-mouse, get the same amount of exposure (or more) and with GREATER credibility than a Fortune 500 with a billion dollar marketing budget, influence thousands of people.

Budgets don't matter. You can't "control" the message. It's a new era. Companies need to adapt and you can take advantage of it. Join us!


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