Saturday, October 20, 2007

Watching TV...

Interesting conversation today at lunch when somebody made a reference to "My Name Is Earl."

Only thing one else had seen the show.

When I counsel people on presentations, I advise them not to make reference to TV Shows or commercials. You know why? These days, it's not a safe bet that other people have seen it.

The days of "Cheers," "Cosby Show," "Archie Bunker" or whatever (Seinfeld) are gone. That part of common experience just doesn't exist.

So, what are your top 3 TV shows (if you watch at all)?

Mine are
  1. Law and Order Criminal Intent (but only the ones with D'Onofrio-I love his Jedi mind warp)
  2. ER (yes, still)
  3. pretty much anything on the History Channel
  4. do sports count? ;-)
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