Friday, March 16, 2007


Do you have a bathroom scale? You know, the one that you avoid stepping on...

This week has been about getting my "house back in order." Workwise, tax-wise, and yes, weight-wise.

I tend to snack when I'm stressed or sometimes for no reason at all. And while I can stll do 12 sets of 22 pullups or go on the Nordic Track at an intense pace for 30 minutes, I can't avoid simple math.

If you eat more calories than you burn, you will put on weight.

So the Fatherhood 15 and the Shiva Seven(teen) have taken their toll.

I'm 10 pounds above my average and 15 above my ideal.

A few years back, I was at my all-time worst, 207.

I spent a weekend in Seattle with Jon Jacobson. I saw a picture of him a few years prior...the guy had lost 40 some odd pounds. He motivated me and I dropped 30.

Well, Jon, bring out the picture again, because I'm back in the saddle...and this time, for extra accountability, I am blogging it.

Can't let the blog readers down, can I?

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