Thursday, March 15, 2007

Movie Review: When Harry Met Sally

A few weeks ago, Jacob Licht invited me to a hockey game.

Soon thereafter, he dropped off the "When Harry Met Sally" DVD.

During the game, our conversations wove in and out of the action on the ice and would continue uninterrupted after a good play.

He was reminded of the scene when Harry and his friend were at the Giants game talking about serious relationship stuff and the conversation was interrupted by the Wave.

So, I got to watch the movie again...for the first time in 15 years or so...and though Meg Ryan sort of impressed me (the diner scene is a classic, of course), Billy Crystal's performance was really magnificent...and the dialogue very, very witty. Worth going back to.

And, as Jacob pointed out, quite nicely, I might add.

In light of recent events it sounds like your grandparents would have been a wonderful addition to the vignettes at the beginning of the movie where couples talk about how they met and fell in love.

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