Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Metamucil and Blogpower

metamucilI got some interesting (to say the least) feedback following the Ode to Metamucil post, but in further proof of the power of the Blogosphere, I invite you to read the comments to it.

I wrote back to the brand manager for Metamucil at Procter & Gamble (kudos for finding my post; ding for taking a week to respond).

Here's what I got this AM from him:

My team at Procter & Gamble manages the Metamucil brand and we got a kick out of your blog. I'd love to send you some free product. We're actually launching a new flavor in the coming days (first new flavor for the brand in over 20 years). If you're interested - please provide your address and we can send out a a few samples.

You can rest assured I'll be reviewing the new flavor. :-)

For additional proof on the power of Blogs to reach companies, see this post on NetBank and this one on LinkedIn (read comments).

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