Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Are you an A-hole?

One of the Licht's pillars of marriage is "don't be a jerk" or more crassly, "don't be an asshole."

Tamar's given me the same guidelines, particularly in light of Nana's death. "Don't give people a reason to think you are an 'asshole.'"

Fortunately, there's a Asshole Rating Self-Examination (focused on workplace). Now, I'll know how I'm doing. You can too.

Out of 24 (and I was brutally honest to the point where I was giving myself no 'benefit of the doubt at all'--or at least that's what I'm telling myself), I fell into this range:

5 to 15 “True”: You sound like a borderline certified asshole, perhaps the
time has come to start changing your behavior before it gets worse.

...and you can bet I will.
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