One of the things I enjoy most about FOJ (Friends of Jer) meet-ups is seeing people from various slices of my personal history come together and meet each other.
It's like seeing historical eras overlap.
Jerusalem's FOJ meet-up provided that as well with 9 RSVP's and 3 attendees (typical drop-off rate, I might add).
Noa Hirsch Choritz showed up 9 months pregnant and with a 2.5 year old in a stroller. Our connection? We once went on a whitewater rafting trip together when we both lived in NYC 9 years ago. Thanks to the occasional FOJ email and the power of Facebook, we're still in touch.
Anat Farber, recently engaged (send her a shout-out) and the only
sabra (native-born Israeli) in the group and I met on a boat in Vietnam in 1997. Yes, I am serious. A boat in Vietnam!
We've seen each other a few times over the years and she even canceled a business meeting to join us (shhhh....don't tell anyone).
She's looking for suggestions of where to hold her wedding that is both romantic, cost-effective, and in Israel.
To Anat, I give the award for the best summary of life in Israel and bonus points for giving it with the Israeli flair.
"It's shit here, but at least it's our shit."
Isaac Hassan has a particularly interesting twist.
Isaac and I met at a lunch in NYC 7 years ago. Thing is, he didn't remember me from that lunch (there were about 20 people there and he was jet-lagged, so I forgive him.)
In fact, we didn't really talk all that much, but I remembered one unique fact about him. He was from Gibraltar.
Now, as it turned out, the NFO and I honeymooned in Spain and Portugal and made a stop in Gibraltar. Prior to going, I 'worked the network' to find Isaac to ask him for the lay of the land. He introduced me to his sister and brother-in-law, with whom we had a great meal.
As a result, Isaac was put on the "FOJ mailing list" and has been receiving quarterly updates for the last 6 years or so.
He says that the experience of getting the emails consistently made him want to come meet me in person for the first time (at least, by his definition). And we were glad that he did.
Now, at least, we both know that we both have met each other! ;-)