Sunday, September 30, 2007

Protector General...

In Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, the author talks about how most men, when they are boys, want to be heroes of some kind (athlete, fireman, cowboy, etc.) and that the eye-opening moment comes when you realize that you are a hero to your daughter.

Interwoven with that feeling is the idea that you are 'clan protector.'

We elected to do the overnight (9pm-3.30am) drive back from Albany and there was a stretch on the Garden State Parkway where both kids and spouse were asleep and I was alone with my thoughts (and a few other drivers, I suppose) in the middle of New Jersey.

I took a quick glance, saw the beautiful sleeping beings under my charge and had a moment of appreciation for just how wealthy I am...and the seriouis and awesome responsibility as driver, literally and figuratively (or co-driver, I guess) that I have.

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